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Foot health brings you health

Foot health brings you health

2016-10-31 14:25:39 浏览次数:797

Health of the Road

As the saying goes, "old feet old people," "from the foot of the cold," "a small pair of feet, the head by layer of cream," This shows that the health of feet not only linked to human health, and People have a great contact life. Because the soles of the feet have a lot of nerve endings, closely linked with the brain, together with a large number of blood vessels, it was the "second heart," said. In addition, the soles of the feet away from the heart, the blood supply, the appearance of thin fat, poor thermal insulation, and the upper respiratory tract, especially the nasal mucosa have close nerve contact, so the foot once cold, can lead to lower respiratory temperature and weaken the resistance , Leading to colds and other diseases. Foot as a benign effect, can make the autonomic nervous system and endocrine system function is conditioning, and beneficial to the brain cell proliferation, enhance the memory, together can make the surface vasodilation, blood circulation is improved. Visible, foot on the physical and mental health is of great benefit.


Wansuo wins every day tonic

Winter footbath, pubic region temperature burning. "Visible, since ancient times, we put the" sleep "," summer feet, summer can be washed; Before a pot of soup "as a useful method of health care. Tang Dynasty beauty Yang often rely on foot bath to beauty beauty; Song Dynasty writer Su Dongpo every night with a foot bath to keep fit and healthy; Qing Dynasty famous minister Zeng is as "reading", "morning" and "foot bath health" for the life of the three Great satisfaction with the move; modern capital of the famous doctor this ink is also used every night with pepper water bubble feet Health. Visible foot bath in the history of health care in China occupies an insignificant position. Foot bath with hot water foot bath and cold foot bath of the points, each one according to their own situation to be selected.


Hot water foot bath, can be soaked in water at 50 ℃ feet (soaked to the ankle for the degree), soaking time of about 20 to 30 minutes each. This is equivalent to moxa moxibustion acupuncture points acupuncture points, can play to promote qi and blood run, moisten the effect of organs. To hot foot bath to affect the skin nerve endings receptors, after the central nervous system can play a role in regulating the function of internal organs, promote innovation, is conducive to health. Winter foot bath with hot water, can promote part of the blood circulation, to prevent the onset of frostbite. Long-range walking or strenuous exercise, hot water foot bath can reduce the part of the collection of lactic acid, helps to eliminate fatigue. Before going to sleep with hot foot bath, the central nervous system can produce a mild effect, promote the cerebral cortex into the suppression of the situation, people sleep peacefully.


Cold foot bath, the water temperature should be gradually reduced, usually from 20 ℃ gradually reduced to 4 ℃, and from the beginning of autumn, has always persisted in the winter. Each foot before the first hand foot conflict, so that the feet become warm, and then feet immersed in cold water, and then the two sides continue to conflict with each other until the foot flushing, each about 5 minutes, sooner or later each time . Cold foot foot bath not only shorten the intense blood vessels, and the body's physiological function of the system in the body fluid conditioning is also in a positive activity. Cold foot bath can also promote the temperature of the nasal mucosa to increase and enhance the resistance of the respiratory tract in winter to prevent colds. However, should be noted that, cold water foot bath immediately after the dry and warm.


Chinese foot bath superior

10 grams of angelica, safflower 10 grams, 10 grams of Chuanxiong, red peony 10 grams, 20 grams of hematoxylin, camphor leaves 15 grams, 20 grams of Agastache main square, add water 2000 grams, boil 8 to 10 minutes , Cooler can be used. Can also be smoked after washing, soak 20 to 30 minutes. If the doctor under the guidance of dialectical use is even better, such as joint pain plus Lycopodium 20 grams, 20 grams of insomnia plus Cactus 20 grams, lit 5 grams of salt, athlete's foot moisture plus pepper 10 grams, 20 grams of rhubarb, Also has an excellent effect.


Pebbles on the easy stroll

There is a more affordable foot method is to find a park covered with pebbles in the path, walk every day in the above 1 or 2 times, each 20 to 30 minutes. Such as barefoot step fear of pain, can start with thin cloth shoes to two or three pairs of old socks gradually transition. If not so close to the cobblestone road, can go to the fitness equipment store purchase pedal or artificial pebble trail, home training is also very convenient.


Self-massage and tastes

Sitting cross-legged, take the massage stick or scraping board (according to local conditions should be smooth and slightly hard). Apply appropriate ointment in the feet, from the kidney, ureter, bladder start, from top to bottom in turn, and finally back to the kidney, ureter, bladder is completed. Each 20 to 30 minutes, every other day 1.

More than four law, after the completion of more than 250 grams of water must be.

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